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Phil Rynda -- Personal

Director of Original Animation at The Pokémon Company International


Formerly Executive & Artist in Animation at Netflix, Cartoon Network, Disney, Nickelodeon, etc.

Santa Clarita, CA

Phil is an old friend. We met back when I was a kid who made original comic strips and cartoon drawings. Phil saw my potential in storytelling, and I’ve since honed my writing abilities.

Phil encouraged me to get this far, and we’ve been developing a professional relationship since I graduated college.

Rahul Mehta -- Academic


University of the Arts

Philadelphia, PA

Rahul educated and mentored me at UArts from my first day as a freshman to my last as a senior. Through Rahul, I learned a new definition of patience, and realized for myself how to put genuine heart into characters on the page. Were it not for Rahul's guidance, my writing wouldn't be as detailed and refined as I've made it today.

Julius Harper -- Personal

TV Writer/Producer

Freelance -- written for Lucasfilm, Netflix, Disney, DreamWorks, Nickelodeon, etc.

Los Angeles, CA

In the time I've known Julius, he's proven himself a very supportive connection -- he works with me on my narrative direction and story structure. I believe that both have improved as a result.

Above all, Julius is willing; when I have new material to read, he reads it. When I want to meet, we set up a call. Julius is the kind of friend you want in the entertainment industry.

David Greenberg -- Academic


University of the Arts

Philadelphia, PA |

Dave was my first screenwriting professor at UArts, Fall 2021. He offered counsel, constructive criticism, and encouragement during a time when I was new to writing scripts -- and he still offers that same advice now. People like Dave are largely why I want to pursue screenwriting.

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